Oblate News

Next Provincial Named.
Fr. Louis Lougen, the Superior General of the Oblates has appointed Fr. Oliver BARRY to be the next Provincial of the Anglo-Irish Province. Fr. Oliver will succeed Fr. Ray Warren as Provincial in June 2018. Fr. Oliver is currently director of the De Mazenod Retreat Centre in London. Here he has been developing a new...

Helping the children of Mankhaw – Thailand
Fr. Domenico RODIGHIERO, an Italian Oblate working in Thailand, tells of the difficulty the children of Mankhaw encounter in order to obtain an education. I have been living for eight months now in my new home, a small mountain village, and from there I take care of two small parishes scattered among the mountains. Mankhaw,...

A Reflection for Christmas Day
The shopping is done and finished. The presents are bought and wrapped. All the waiting in long queues in the shops is over. The house has been cleaned and the tree with all its lights and decorations are shining brightly. So what has all this hectic buying, spending and shopping been all about? My...

‘Thanksgiving for the Past, Celebrating the Present, Hopeful for the Future’
With thanksgiving in their hearts young couples moved into the new housing scheme of Bluebell in 1953 – a new beginning for them, full of hopes and dreams for the future. They became the foundation stones and the pillars of the parish of Bluebell – An Cloigín Gorm. Thanksgiving for the Past It’s because of...

A new Oblate parish in Angola
On October 15, 2017, Dom António Francisco Jaca, Bishop of Caxito, canonically erected the Virgem dos Pobres (Virgin of the Poor) pastoral center in the Nossa Senhora do Rosário Parish (Our Lady of the Rosary) and installed Father Jean-Claude KIANGA MBULUKU as parish priest. Since September 2011, the Oblates have served the rural Christian community...

The “Rosies”: a reason to rejoice – Australia
Fr. William MORELL from the United States Province recently visited the Province of Australia. While visiting there, he was able to experience the ministry of the Rosies. “Jumping for joy” is not a phrase I would immediately associate with St. Eugene, at least not from what little I know of his stature and temperament!...

Refugio San Eugenio
The Refugio San Eugenio is a place that has become home for youth on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. There is an Internet radio program, many snacks, scout groups and many teens come there to “heal their body and soul from the scourge of addictions”. There are also various sports, recreational, social and missionary activities....

Lourdes 2017 – Online Participation
This year on the 17th of September Oblate groups will leave from Dublin, Manchester, Jersey and London in answer to the call of Our Lady. Fr. Paschal and his intrepid group will leave London by bus on the 15th. Also members of the Oblate Youth Service and other workers will arrive on the 15th to...

Flowers in the desert – Vocation ministry
After twelve years of service as General Councilor for Europe, Father Chicho ROIS joined the little Oblate community in the Sahara desert. These are his thoughts on vocation ministry in a place where there is only a handful of Christians. When you travel for the first time deep into the desert, you are moved by...

Where is Our Forest?
In Zambia’s Mongu Diocese, Bp. Evans Chinyemba, OMI has been a strong advocate for the protection of the environment. He has spoken out against government and business leaders who see the land as a source of profit instead of a common benefit to be shared by all people. Here Bp. Chinyemba writes about one particular problem in...