
Online Communications Workshop
Dear friends, The Oblate Communications team wish to invite you to attend a short, interactive communications and social media workshop on Tuesday November 21st (online via Zoom). To facilitate as many as possible, we are offering two time slots to attend a one-hour workshop on Tuesday, 21st November 2023, an afternoon session and also, an...

Morning Prayer with the Oblates: Friday April 30th
We join Fr Frank Ryan OMI in Colwyn Bay, Wales for our morning prayer on Friday, April 30th. Tomorrow, May 1st, is the feast of St Joseph the Worker, and St Joseph is the patron of the Oblate parish in Colwyn Bay. Let’s listen to a special reflection about this great saint of the church....

Morning Prayer with the Oblates, Thursday March 18th
Morning prayer – join Fr Vimal OMI in St Joseph’s Church, Colwyn Bay North Wales for our daily morning prayer this Thursday 18th April. Our reflection is on the Psalm from today’s mass, where the people looked for gods in other places. What things do we make into “gods” – our own interests? Perhaps today...

You’re Invited! Journey together through Lent with the Oblate Mission with Youth on Zoom
Every Tuesday during Lent, between now and Easter, young people from aged 18-40 are invited to join us in a short time of faith, friendship and chat on Zoom. The Oblate Mission with Youth will meet each Tuesday from 7pm to 7.45pm as we journey together through this time of Lent. To register, please email...

Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes from Inchicore
On the ninth day of our Lourdes’ Novena we come together in faith and in friendship to reflect on the Eucharist – how it brings us together, knits us in our journey and sends us out. Music credit: the opening hymn “The Lourdes Hymn” by “uCatholic” and with permission to use. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsoVBQvaLDM https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxsz7ArxYFAqaF5pT84Yt9A ...

Morning Prayer Friday October 30th
“I thank my God whenever I think of you; and every time I pray for all of you, I pray with joy, remembering how you have helped to spread the Good News from the day you first heard it right up to the present.” – Philippians 1 This morning, join Fr Terry in Kilburn as...

Morning Prayer: Saturday July 11th
Join Mary again this morning from Tallaght for our morning prayer. Enjoy her beautiful hymn in this morning’s video.

Memorial Service in Kilburn for those who have died
On July 10th at 7pm in Sacred Heart Church, Kilburn, a memorial service for those who have died was held and live-streamed on Facebook. Thanks for watching and praying with us.

Morning Prayer: Thursday July 9th
Join Joanne for our time of prayer this morning – we reflect on today’s gospel and on a short piece of music played beautifully by Joanne on the tin whistle – ‘Be Thou My Vision’. Thanks for joining us!

Morning Prayer for Monday July 5th
Join Gerard Bennett in Mullingar for our prayer this morning. Gerard is part of the Oblate Lourdes Pilgrimage Leadership team and shares how much Lourdes means to him.