Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Weekly Reflections

sunday reflection february 13th

Gospel Reflection for Sunday February 13th, 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

  Ask anyone who is poor is it an enjoyable experience and I am certain they will tell you very plainly that it is not. Yet, in today’s Gospel Jesus says, “How happy are you who are poor….” Ask anyone who is hungry or anyone who struggles to feed themselves or their families is it...

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sunday reflection february 6th

Gospel Reflection for Sunday February 6th, 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

  Luke 5:1-11 In the early Church stories about Jesus were the only way people could learn what Jesus said and did. People gathered in their homes, often in secret out of fear of the Jewish authorities or the Romans, to hear stories about his life, to share together a fellowship meal, and to celebrate...

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sunday reflection january 30th

Gospel Reflection for Sunday January 30th, 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

  Luke 4:21-30 Today’s Gospel begins where last Sunday’s finished. Jesus had returned home to Nazareth and speaking in the synagogue he shared with those present his mission to the poor, the captives, the blind and the downtrodden. It was a message of hope and compassion he was bringing. He was being sent to bring...

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sunday reflection january 23rd

Gospel Reflection for Sunday January 23rd, 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

  Luke 1:1-4, 4:14-21 Today’s Gospel is unusual in that there are two distinct sections to it, leaving out three chapters in between. The first short section is Luke’s introduction to his Gospel and it is more important than we may first think. Luke, like all of the early Christians, was aware that the ‘Good...

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sunday january 16th reflection

Gospel Reflection for Sunday January 16th, 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

John 2:1-11   We are at a huge disadvantage when we read or listen to the Gospels. Firstly, we come to them with over two thousand years of history behind us. No matter what we think of – science, technology, medicine, communications, media, culture, history, cosmology, and on and on… – we do so with...

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sunday january 9th baptism

Gospel Reflection for Sunday January 9th, Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

Luke 3:15-16, 21-22 It is sometimes easier for us to imagine and pray to Jesus as God rather than as man. Jesus as God can be processed by us in some way; ‘he is all powerful, knows what he is doing and how it will end. He is acting out of love for us, leaving...

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sunday january 2nd 2022 christmas

Gospel Reflection for the Second Sunday of Christmas January 2nd 2022

John 1:1-5, 9-14 My father was an eternal romantic. On December 31st each year he wanted all of us to hold hands, count down the seconds till midnight, sing Auld Lang Syne, toast in the New Year, shout to neighbours over garden walls and telephone family and friends. My mother, on the other hand, was...

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christmas day reflection 2021

Reflection for Christmas Day

Christmas Day 2021 25th December John 1:1-18 “At various times in the past and in various different ways, God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets; but in our own time, the last days, he has spoken to us through his Son….”  (Hebrews 1:1) This sentence, the start of the 2nd Reading of today’s Mass...

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third sunday of advent

Sunday December 19th : Fourth Sunday of Advent

Luke 1:39-45 The stories of the Gospels can become so familiar to us that we sometimes lose the awesome reality of what we read. We say it is “Good News”, we talk of the “Joy of the Gospel” and we know in our heads that it is both of these things, but allowing this joy...

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third sunday of advent

Sunday December 12th : Third Sunday of Advent

“When Jesus heard about John, he withdrew in a boat to a deserted place by himself. When the crowds learned this, they followed him on foot from the cities. When Jesus arrived and saw a large crowd, he had compassion for them and healed those who were sick.”   Matthew 14:13-14 At this beautiful and poignant...

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