Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Weekly Reflections

Sunday Reflection Graphic First sunday of Advent 3rd December 2023

Gospel Reflection For the First Sunday of Advent, 3rd December 2023

Gospel Reflection for Sunday December 3rd 2023 | First Sunday of Advent Over the years I have worked in several places which catered for visitors and therefore had important ‘Health & Safety’ regulations. One of the most important was fire safety, and at every check-in I reminded visitors that if they heard the fire alarm...

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Sunday Reflection Graphic 26th November 2023 Christ the King thumbnail

Gospel Reflection For Sunday 26th November 2023

Gospel Reflection for Sunday November 26th 2023 | Feast of Christ the King Jesus began his mission with the message, “Repent and believe. The Kingdom of God is near at hand.” How appropriate it is, then, that on this last Sunday of the year we hear in the Gospel of the final coming of that...

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November 19th Sunday Reflection

Gospel Reflection For Sunday 19th November 2023

Gospel Reflection for Sunday November 19th 2023 | 33nd Sunday in Ordinary Time All of us have noticed, I’m sure, how little we communicate with one another in ordinary, everyday life. It is more noticeable in cities than in towns or more noticeable in towns than in villages, but the trend is still there. At...

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Sunday Reflection November 12th 2023

Gospel Reflection For Sunday 12th November 2023

Gospel Reflection for Sunday November 12th 2023 | 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Imagine, if you can, that you are living in a time of great suffering and anxiety. You are part of a small group of Jews who followed Jesus of Nazareth and came to see him as the Messiah – the chosen one...

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Gospel Reflection For Sunday 4th November 2023

The Gospel today contains, I think, an insight into a quality of Jesus we can too easily overlook.  When we list the qualities and virtues of Jesus, we rarely include it.  When we examine our conscience we equally rarely include it as a possible place of sin.  It is a quality that says to us:...

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sunday reflection october 29th

Gospel Reflection For Sunday 29th October 2023

Introduction: Awesomely simple, wonderfully direct, easily understood…..and incredibly difficult. So often the simplest things are the most difficult to achieve. This Sunday’s Gospel says this: “Love God, Love your neighbour as yourself.” And that’s it. There is no more to say… Join me in reflecting on this simple but profound Gospel. Many thanks, Brian. Gospel...

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Sunday Reflection Graphic October 22nd

Gospel Reflection For Sunday 22nd October 2023

Gospel Reflection for Sunday October 22nd 2023 | 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time One of the things I particularly like about the Gospels is their ‘realness’. The stories, memories and events of Jesus’ life are told to us in a sincere and authentic way. Nowhere is there an attempt to sugar-coat reality or present us...

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Gospel Reflection For Sunday 15th October 2023

INTRODUCTION TO THIS WEEK’S GOSPEL REFLECTION It is not possible, I think, to begin a reflection on a Gospel about the coming of the ‘Kingdom of God’ without acknowledging the intense suffering and the terrible tragedy presently afflicting God’s own people of Israel and the Palestinian people who have long shared that land. I can...

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Sunday Reflection October 8th

Gospel Reflection For Sunday 8th October 2023

Gospel Reflection for Sunday October 8th 2023 | 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time The people who populate Matthew’s parables remind me a bit of the little girl in the poem who had “a little curl, right in the middle of her head. “When she was good, she was very, very good,” the poet tells us,...

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Gospel Reflection For Sunday 1st October 2023

Gospel Reflection for Sunday October 1st 2023 | 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time An eight-year-old, I think, could quite easily understand the message of today’s Gospel story. It is so crystal clear as to need no explanation or interpretation. ‘Practise what you preach’, ‘don’t say one thing and do something else’, ‘think before you commit...

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