Oblate News
Easter Triduum Times in Oblate Parishes Join a service near you or online

Find below Easter Vigil services times for each Oblate Parish and mission near you. We have included details of how to access these services online if you are at present unable to attend in person. Be assured that each of you are in our prayers during this Holy Season of Lent and we are aware that though we have exited pandemic times, covid is still very much present and affecting many of us in different ways. Click on the name of the area you wish to view details of and you will be brought to the relevant section on the page below.
We continue to offer online Morning Prayer each day at 8.30am. If you would like to recieve a link to this daily prayer video please email us at communications@oblates.ie
Oblate Parishes of Kilburn, London
English Martyrs Parish, Tower Hill, London
Inchicore Pastoral Area, Dublin
Oblate Parish of Our Lady Immaculate, Darndale, Dublin
St Mary’s Star of the Sea, Leith, Edinburgh
St John Ogilvie, Wester Hailes, Edinburgh
Oblate Mission on Anglesey, Wales
St Joseph’s Parish, Colwyn Bay, North Wales
Oblate Parishes Kilburn Easter Services:
Sacred Heart Church Webcam Link: https://www.churchservices.tv/kilburn
As we enter this very special week in the life of the Church, I would like to encourage you to join us for some or all of our services during Holy Week. The details of the-
se services can be found on the inside of the Quex this week. On behalf of the Parish Team I would like to take this opportunity of thanking you all for your continued support of our parishes during the past year.
Fr Terry Murray OMI
English Martyrs Parish, Tower Hill, London
12noon-2pm Church open for prayer and confessions. 7.30pm Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper followed by procession and adoration until 9pm. |
GOOD FRIDAY 15th April |
11am Stations of the Cross 3pm Liturgy of Lord’s Passion 7.00pm Taizé and hymns on Lord’s Passion |
HOLY SATURDAY 16th April |
12noon-2pm Church open for prayer and confession. 7pm EASTER VIGIL |
Easter Sunday 17th April |
Masses at 9am and 11am |
Inchicore Pastoral Area, Dublin

Easter Schedule for the Inchicore Area
Download the leaflet here: Holy Week & Easter Calendar Pastoral Area
Our Lady of the Wayside, Bluebell Webcam: https://www.churchservices.tv/bluebellparish
Mary Immaculate Parish Inchicore Webcam: https://www.churchservices.tv/maryimmaculateoblates
St Michael’s Parish Webcam: https://www.churchservices.tv/bulfinroad
Oblate Parish of Our Lady Immaculate, Darndale, Dublin
St Mary’s Star of the Sea, Leith, Edinburgh
All services are also available to join live online on St Mary’s Facebook Page:
Thursday 14th April 10am Morning Prayer, actual/virtual
Thurs 14th April 7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper, actual/virtual
Friday 15th April 10am Morning Prayer, actual/virtual
Friday 15th April 3pm Passion of the Lord, actual/virtual
Friday 15th April 7pm Stations of the Cross, actual/virtual
Saturday 16th April 10am Morning Prayer, actual/virtual
Saturday 16th April 8pm Easter Vigil, actual/partially virtual
Sunday 17th April 10:30am Easter Sunday, actual/virtual
St John Ogilvie, Wester Hailes, Edinburgh
Parish Webiste: https://www.st-john-ogilvie.org.uk/
Palm Sunday: Mass 10.00am ONLY.
Weather permitting there will be a procession around the Church grounds after the blessing of the Palms, this is to recall the events in Jerusalem as Jesus entered in triumph before his arrest and trial.
Chrism Mass
Takes place at 7pm on Tuesday 12 April at St Mary’s Cathedral.
Holy Thursday 7.30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper – 7.30pm
Due to COVID NO Washing of Feet
Re Dedication of Priest & People
Institution of the Eucharist.
Exposition of Blessed Sacrament after ceremonies
until 10.00 pm. [Quiet Prayer]
Good Friday – 3.00pm
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
Prayers for all peoples & Penance Service.
Veneration of the Cross from pew. [No Kissing]
Holy Communion.
A Day of Fast and Abstinence
Good Friday – 7.00pm. Stations of the Cross
Holy Saturday at 12.00 Noon Blessing of Food a Polish Tradition.
Weather permitting, in line with the Polish Tradition this blessing will take place in the Church Grounds. Bring your baskets to the steps of the church. Unlike Poland we will only have the one blessing, that will take place at 12.00 Noon. As part of the Liturgy we will sing some Polish Hymns, so brush up on your hymns and ensure your singing voice is in good order.
The custom of blessing food is to mark the end of a strict Lenten Fast. The three-part blessing is for the contents of the basket: meat, eggs cakes & bread.
Bread the Manna you fed to your people in the desert and in which you give yourself to us in the Eucharist. Cold cuts of meat in memory of the paschal lamb and eggs and Pisanki to share among families and friends as a sign of the Resurrection and New Life.
Holy Saturday – Vigil 7.30 pm
Service of Light
Exultet – Rejoice
Salvation History
Renewal of Baptism Promises & Eucharist.
Easter Sunday – Mass at 10.00am ONLY
Oblate Mission on Anglesey, Wales Easter in Catholic Churches on Anglesey Pasg yn Eglwysi Catholig Ynys Môn
Liturgies held at St Mary’s Holyhead are available to join online on the parish webcam: https://www.churchservices.tv/holyhead
St Joseph’s Parish, Colwyn Bay, North Wales

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