Oblate News
Fr Frank retires from his role as Parish Priest of St Joseph’s Farewell to Fr Frank Ryan OMI from Colwyn Bay

By Paul Evans, St Joseph’s Parish, Colwyn Bay
The parish of St Joseph’s at Colwyn Bay, North Wales said its farewell not only to Fr Frank as Parish Priest for the last six years but also a farewell that marked the completion of his dedication as Parish Priest following a vocation spanning some 60 years.
His final Mass as Parish Priest took place on Sunday, 12th February 2023 in a service of thanksgiving and celebration. Mass was concelebrated by Fr Oliver Barry, Provincial of the Anglo-Irish Province, Fr Vimal, St Joseph’s newly installed Parish Priest and Fr Dennis Connor, former Parish Priest at St Joseph’s.
This was very much a combined parish and family occasion. Many family members had travelled over from Ireland and from across the UK to be present, with several participating during the Mass as Ministers of the Word, Eucharistic Minister, and as members of the offertory procession.
In warmth, heartfelt appreciation and much affection the Mass was celebrated with great vitality in word and sung praise. The large congregation was led in singing the hymns and Mass settings, which were favourites of Fr Frank, by a combined choir of our talented singers from the weekend Masses and by our gifted and most able organist. The many altar servers served with great dignity and assuredness and were faultless in their support of and celebration of this special Mass.
In typical relaxed, humorous and at times, solemn, fashion, Fr Frank stepped away from the lectern and delivered an animated homily that spoke very much to his deep-felt vocation to help the needy, poor and marginalised people of our society, never afraid to speak out where he found issues of concern needing redress. This has been his vocation’s driving force and so much a hallmark of his service; it’s easy to see how well he dovetailed with the charism and founding principles of The Oblates of Mary Immaculate, his spiritual home for over 60 years.
Fr Oliver and Fr Vimal spoke as both long and new acquaintances of Fr Frank, portraying from either end of their spectrum of experience of his priestly life, the principles that marked his personal mission of pastoral care for all and his helpfulness to parishioners and fellow priests over many decades.
The Mass was also live-streamed so that Fr Frank’s family in Australia and Canada, and all those unable to attend in person could be a part of, and help celebrate Fr Frank’s milestone Mass.
A warm round of applause from the congregation accompanied his procession down the aisle at the end of Mass as one of his favourite hymns, the great Welsh hymn, Calon Lân, played in a final farewell.
Mass was followed by a most relaxed and joyous get-together in the adjoining school hall. Full to capacity the hall was a buzz of chat, laughter and music as the Colwyn Bay Ukulele Band played some foot tapping music throughout.
A collage of photographs taken throughout his life and provided by his family was projected onto one of the walls and played in the background, portraying many stages of Fr Frank’s family and priestly life.
In this final farewell there were, of course, several speeches of sincere thanks. From Fr Oliver, who summarised Fr Frank’s service to many OMI parishes over the years, and who assured us that Fr Frank wouldn’t be sitting at home watching the grass grow; from the Head-teacher of St Joseph’s Primary School who thanked Fr Frank for his presence and support at the school; from the Parish Council who thanked him for his many services and acts of kindness, both known and unknown, to parishioners at St Joseph’s and in the many parishes in which he has served; and most notably from the Youth of the parish in a wonderful testament to the spiritual guidance, support and friendship that Fr Frank has especially shown to the younger parishioners, expressing just how important and just how much that has meant to the them all.
The Chair of the Parish Finance Committee remarked how unusual it was to actually give money away for a change as he presented a cheque to Fr Frank on behalf of the Parish in appreciation of all that he has done and achieved in the last six years at St Joseph’s.
Also presented was an aerial photograph of St Joseph’s with a wide-margined mount upon which many parishioners had signed their best wishes. Expressions of thanks and good wishes were also written on postcards which would eventually be placed in a special album.
And so, we said our goodbyes to our pastor who, over the last six years has baptised us; married us; helped us say farewell to our loved ones; comforted us in our times of deepest sorrow and in our times of great distress; who has guided and supported us spiritually when we were lost and who also with, great joy, celebrated the times of special happiness with us.
Such a great send off could not have been possible without a tremendous amount of planning and the involvement of so many of our talented and enthusiastic parishioners and with the invaluable help of Fr Frank’s family and fellow priests, all eager to make this the most memorable of farewells.
We all enjoyed and appreciated very much the buffet provided by friends of Fr Frank.
Fr Frank, of course, had the final word and his own thanks were delivered with a typical mix of humility, gravity, humour and as always, with a twinkle in his Irish eyes.
An end and also a new beginning for Fr Frank Ryan.
Watch back: Fr Frank’s final mass in Colwyn Bay
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