Stefano Dominici, the Coordinator of Lay Associates and Associations, presented his vision and program as coordinator of lay people sharing the Oblate charism.
Father General appointed Mr. Stefano Dominici, a lay associate from Italy, as the first Coordinator of Lay Associates and Association, effective 1 June, 2023. Stefano was a member of the central team that organized the 2nd Lay Associates Congress in 2022. He was also part of the team of Associates that made a presentation at the 37th General Chapter (2022). Stefano is married to Marina and together they have two grown-up children, Greta and Diego.
In his first address to the Central Government he highlighted the following three points as essential to his program for coordinating Lay Associates and Associations:
Listening to oblate lay people from around the world, emphasising the importance of communication.
Studying and implementing recommendations from the 2nd Oblate Lay Associations Congress and the 37th General Chapter.
Developing a common identity for lay Oblates over a 5-year plan.

Stefano, Jim and Asodo
Stefano aims to involve lay representatives from different regions to foster communion and dialogue. After Stefano’s presentation, which was well received, participants in the plenary session asked questions and engaged in constructive dialogue with him. It’s noted that the role of the coordinator of the laity is new and requires skills such as listening, dialogue, creativeness, patience, and attention to navigate this new path.
At the end of his presentation, Stefano expressed gratitude to the Superior General and his Council for trusting him with this task and for their attention to the laity and the entire Oblate family. The participants in the plenary session, in a spirit of fraternity and communion, thanked Stefano for his presentation, offered their support, and wished him success in his service.