Oblate News
Wednesday “Lenten Lunches” in St Mary’s Parish, Holyhead Raising funds in Aid of Cafod (The Catholic Fund for Overseas Development)

For many years, St Mary’s parishioners in Holyhead, have organized “Lenten Lunches” on the Wednesdays during the holy season of Lent. The Lunches consist of some bread and cheese along with a bowl of soup. There is an entry fee to the lunch along with the purchase of raffle tickets. The prizes in the raffle are all donated by the organisers of that particular Wednesday Lunch, who are also the makers of the soup and the providers of the bread and cheese. All of the money collected is donated to CAFOD (The Catholic Fund for Overseas Development). Depending on how many people take part, the money raised on a particular Wednesday could be as much as £100.
The Island of Anglesey (the 7 OMI Faith Communities) has a proud tradition of supporting CAFOD over many years and holds two collections in the 7 Churches each year for the Charity. Due to Covid 19 these Lenten Lunches did not take place in 2020 and 2021. But this year we were able to open the parish hall in Holyhead and have them. And this year the CAFOD Organiser for the Wrexham Diocese, Clare Byrne, joined us on one of the Wednesdays. It was a pleasure to have her with us and for her to meet some of the organisers. She was also there to present Holyhead parishioner Tony McNicholl with an Oscar Romero Cross in recognition of all the work he has done, over a long period of time, in promoting justice and peace issues on the Island.
The photos shows Clare with parishioners as she holds the Oscar Romero cross, and the other shows Clare with Helen, parish secretary, along with Fr Frank Murray OMI, priest on Anglesey.

Clare with Helen, parish secretary, along with Fr Frank Murray OMI, priest on Anglesey.
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