Oblate News
WYD: Pope Francis Welcome Ceremony His opening message to the young people.

Thursday 3rd August 2023, saw the official opening ceremony with Pope Francis. It is estimated that 500,000 young people turned up to Park Eduardo to greet and listen to him.
Our Oblate Youth from the Anglo-Irish province along with many others arrived two hours early to get a good spot and enjoy the live performances. Whilst they were waiting we asked them to share their experiences so far.
The Holy Father arrived at 5:30 pm, to start the welcome ceremony. He spoke passionately to those gathered to remind the youth that the Church is for them, it’s for everyone.
Here is a brief summary of Pope Francis’s Welcome Ceremony speech:
Thanks for being here.
I’m delighted to hear the noise you’re making!
It is good to be in Lisbon.
You were invited here by me…yet above all it is Jesus who called you here! You are not here by accident. The Lord has called you. Each of is called by name. In Gods eyes we are precious children.
In Gods eyes we are precious children and he calls us…to make of us a unique and original masterpiece whose beauty we can only begin to glimpse.At WYD May we be vibrant echoes of Gods call of love… despite what what our own eyes clouded negativity and dazzled by so many distractions….let these days be one when we realize in our hearts that we are loved just as we are. Today is a new starting point in our lives.Dear friends, if God calls you by name- it means to him you are not a number but a face.Your name is known, it appears on social networks and is processed by algorithms that associate it with likes & preferences – market research- yet it does not approach you in your uniqueness.There are illusions in the virtual world and we must not be deceived – we can be promised many things – but these can leave us empty inside. Jesus is not like that. You truly matter to him.Our Church is the community of the called- not of the best/ but those summoned to welcome the gift of being called.
You sent me letters. They are beautiful. You told me there are people who don’t accept you or think there is a place for me…also others said in my parish there is no room for mistakes.
Dear friends I want to make this clear to you who are allergic to dishonesty and to empty words, there is room for Everyone in the Church – wherever there is not please, we must make room, including for those who make mistakes, who fail or struggle. The Church had to be the home where the echo of Gods call to everyone resounds.
The lord does not close the door – but invites us to enter. He does not keep us distant. He welcomes us. Let us call each by name- God loves you all. God loves you.
Do not keep your questions to yourself. Bring your questions to Jesus. In the dialogue of prayer God catches us off guard. God responds. He is not a search engine. God is your true friend. God asks you questions too. The apostles were asking questions and waiting for answers from Jesus.
He took them by surprise – he sent them on a mission!- without proper preparation’no bag or purse’ He puts the same trust in you. The disciples returned from their mission with joy.
There is a happiness prepared for you that Jesus has prepared for you. Know that God is near. He just needs a small response on our part to fill our lives with wonder & joy.
You might say- I can’t do that. God calls you precisely amid our fears. He doesn’t call those who feel capable but those who he makes capable!
God called many who made mistakes- none of them were perfect/ yet they were united in the Lord! Be connected to God- that’s the secret. It’s not easy- but connect to Gods call.
We have help from Mary. She takes us by the hand and shows us the way. She is the greatest person in history. She was fully present to God.
To summarize- we are called by God. We are loved. Also remind everyone of the beauty of being loved by God and treasured. Also ask questions of Jesus who is expected us to speak frequently with him these days. Stay connected to him & his live- for in this way our joy will increase. I wish you a happy World Youth Day.
Pope Francis—Lisbon 3.8.23
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