Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer for March 18th

Good morning everyone, and welcome to morning prayer with Br Michael Moore, from Ireland. There’s a little bit of the Pharisee from today’s reading in all of us. During Lent, God calls us to change our ways that cause us to dismiss others who we may look down on. During Lent, God says to each...

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Morning Prayer for March 17th – St. Patrick’s Day 2023

Good morning everyone, and welcome to morning prayer with Br Michael Moore, in Ireland. Today is Saint Patrick’s Day. We’re all familiar with the tradition of Patrick, who, after being kidnapped and sold as a slave, managed to escape and returned to Ireland to proclaim the Gospel. Patrick heard and responded to God’s call. He...

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Morning Prayer for March 16th

Good morning everyone, and welcome to morning prayer with Joyce, from Scotland. Today’s Gospel reading is from Saint Luke. Jesus cures a man who is dumb and is able to speak once again. Could you imagine for a moment yourself witnessing a person cured by Jesus that you had perhaps known all your life? On...

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Morning Prayer for March 15th

Good morning everyone, and welcome to morning prayer with Tina, from Scotland. Today’s Gospel reading is from Saint Matthew, and is about when Jesus said that he has come to fulfil the law. Tina reflects on this reading, and how, without Jesus, the law is incomplete. Thank you for joining us in prayer today.

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Morning Prayer for March 14th

Good morning everyone, and welcome to morning prayer with Veronica, from Scotland. Today’s Gospel reading is from Saint Matthew, and is about the time when Peter asked Jesus how often we should forgive others. Today’s reading may seem to demand a great deal from us with regards to the number of times we must forgive....

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Morning Prayer for March 13th

Good morning everyone, and welcome to morning prayer with Rosemary, from Scotland. For today’s morning prayer, Rosemary has chosen a selection of verses taken from Psalms 23 and 24: “Like the deer that yearns for running streams, so my soul is yearning for you, my God. My soul is thirsting for God, the light of...

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Morning Prayer for March 12th

Good morning everyone, and welcome to morning prayer with Joyce, from Scotland. Today’s reading is from Saint Paul’s letter to the Romans. In this chapter, we hear about wonderful gifts that we have all been given through the Holy Spirit. Faith, peace, grace, love and hope. The love of God has been poured into our...

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Morning Prayer for March 7th

Good morning and welcome to morning prayer with Fr Simon Peter, from Denmark. Today’s reading is from Isaiah. Fr Simon talks about the invitation in the reading, and expands upon its words and purpose. Watch his reflection here. Thank you for joining us in prayer.

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Morning Prayer for March 6th

Good morning and welcome to morning prayer with Fr Joy Fernando, from Denmark. Today’s Gospel reading is from Saint Luke, where we read about the merciful Father. Fr Joy says that we, as the children of God, need to resemble the Lord’s powerful image and likeness. Jesus is the merciful face of God. Let us...

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Morning Prayer for March 5th

Good morning and welcome to morning prayer with Fr Paul Marx, from Denmark. Today, on the second Sunday of Lent, the Gospel reading is of the Transfiguration. Peter, James and John were very much afraid when they heard God’s call on the mount, telling them that “This is my beloved son, in whom I am...

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