Oblate News

Women of Different Faiths Come together for Peace
This article has been taken from the Denis Hurley Centre Newsletter. Find out more about Denis Hurley Centre – www.denishurleycentre.org So many of us have been troubled by what has happened, and continues to happen, in the Middle East and wonder how to respond. As Pope Francis has said: “War is always a defeat.” We...

Pope Declares October 27 to be a Day of Fasting, Penance and Prayer for Peace in the World
His Holiness, Pope Francis declared that Friday, October 27, is to be a day of fasting, penance and prayer for peace. The Holy Father invited, “the various Christian confessions, members of other religious, and all who hold the cause of peace in the world at heart to participate.” A Vigil will take place at 6...

Global Village Citizens – Sunday Sermon
On this Mission Sunday, Fr Dominik offers an interesting reflection and food for thought for all of us, inspired by today’s second reading, and also, considering our own use of social media and how we use it as part of our own mission as christians to spread the Good News to those we meet online....

Stefano addresses the Plenary of the Oblate Central Government, Rome
Published on Friday 29 September 2023 on OMIWORLD Stefano Dominici, the Coordinator of Lay Associates and Associations, presented his vision and program as coordinator of lay people sharing the Oblate charism. Father General appointed Mr. Stefano Dominici, a lay associate from Italy, as the first Coordinator of Lay Associates and Association, effective 1 June, 2023....

Lourdes 2023 – Recap
Our 2023 pilgrimage is over and what a momentous, and celebratory one it was! 2023 was special in two ways. First and foremost, it was the 140th Anniversary of the first Oblate pilgrimage, led by Fr William Ring OMI in 1883, a mere 25 years after the apparitions to St Bernadette in Lourdes. Secondly, and...

Homily by Fr Irvin Morastil OMI – from Day 2 of Our Pilgrimage
We had some requests to share the homilies form the pilgrimage as podcasts for you to download and listen to at your own convenience and we will share those over the next couple of days. We listen to Fr Irvin’s homily from Mass celebrated in Lourdes, where we had a blessing with the Waters of...

Homily by Fr Lorcan O’Reilly OMI, Opening Mass of the 2023 Pilgrimage
This morning we revisit the homily from our opening mass of the pilgrimage. We had some requests to share the homilies form the pilgrimage as podcasts for you to download and listen to at your own convenience and we will share those over the next couple of days. The first one is below and is...

France: The Pope visits the city of St. Eugene
Published on Friday 22 September 2023 by OMIWORLD On September 22–23, 2023, the Holy Father, Pope Francis visited Marseille, the city whose bishop was St. Eugene de Mazenod, “a city rich in peoples, called to be a port of hope.” On the first day, the Pope prayed at the Basilica of Notre Dame de la...

The Oblate Family Morning Prayer: Monday 25th September 2023
Friends, today we join our overland pilgrims at their last stop, Lisieux, where they visited the Basilica of St Therese of Lisieux. Our pilgrims took part in Mass within the crypt of the Basilica taking time to reflect on our time in Lourdes and admire the beautiful mosaics depicting St Therese’s life. Kirk leads us...

Is it me, He is looking for? – Sunday Homily
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time A(I) “Is it me, He is looking for?” At the most awaited moments, when God himself makes his way to overcome our limitations, even weaknesses and sins, when he approaches us to help us to make another step, we cannot. We decide to do nothing. Think, just for a moment,...