Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: September 16th
Good morning everyone. We join Gerard Bennett of the Oblate Lourdes Pilgrimage in Inchicore, Dublin, for morning prayer. Tomorrow, please, God, we will be in Lourdes on pilgrimage. We will be at the grotto of which this one, here in Inchicore, is a replica. What a privilege and grace that will be. And we know...
Pay for a Candle to be lit in Lourdes
If you would like, you can pay for one of the following options, to have a candle lit in Lourdes:
Fr Michael Rodgers on Celtic Spirituality (JPIC)
Welcome to our second JPIC video, part of our focus on Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation. Today, we hear from Fr Michael Rodgers, who talks about Celtic spirituality. Fr. Michael Rodgers is a Kiltegan missionary priest, who has lived in Glendalough for the past 30 years. Prior to that, he worked in Kenya for...
Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: Thursday September 15th
Good morning everyone. We join Gerard Bennett of the Oblate Lourdes Pilgrimage in Inchicore, Dublin, for morning prayer today on the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. Mary was told by Simeon “that a sword would pierce her own soul” – speaking of her own suffering and grief that she would experience witnessing the passion...
Morning prayer with the Oblate Family: Wednesday Sept 14th
We join Olga Slater in London once more for today’s morning prayer. Today we mark the exaltation of the cross. The gospel today is probably one of the many known ones we hear of God’s crazy love for us. He continues to pour his love for us to the point of sending his only beloved...
Lourdes 2022 Schedule
As the Oblate Pilgrimage finally returns to Lourdes in person after a long wait since the Covid pandemic prevented us from traveling, this year we also facilitated those of you at home who were unable to travel to participate online in all our pilgrimage events, the majority of which will be broadcast from Our Lady’s...
Morning prayer with the Oblate Family: Tuesday Sept 13th
We join Olga Slater in London for today’s reflection. In the gospel, we see Jesus visibly moved as he felt compassion for this widow who had now lost her only remaining son. We wonder if just saw in her a foreshadowing of what his own mother would endure at his death. Olga reflects on how...
Morning prayer with the Oblate family: Monday September 12th
Today we join Mary Ryan in Sacred Heart Church, Kilburn once again for morning prayer. Today we reflect on the gospel reading which features a centurion who has been told about Jesus and asks him to heal his servant who is sick. The humility of the centurion is profound. Jesus is moved by the humility...
Morning Prayer with the Oblates: Sunday Sept. 11th
With Mary Ryan in Sacred Heart Church, Kilburn. Good morning, we invite you to join Mary for today’s prayer and reflection. This morning we hear the gospel reading of the Prodigal Son. ‘The father said, “My son, you are with me always and all I have is yours. But it was only right we should...
Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: 10th September
Good morning, everyone! Today, we invite you to join James, from London, for our morning prayer. Today’s reading is from the Gospel of Luke, “Everyone who comes to me and listens to my words and acts on them – I will show you what he is like. He is like the man who when he...