Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family, July 26th
Good morning – Maidin maith! We join Teresa Gallagher for today’s prayer. Teresa is a native of Letterkenny, Co Donegal, Ireland – a beautiful county well worth visiting to witness the splendour of Gods creation. The reading we spend some time reflecting on this morning is about an earthen vessel and the extraordinary treasure it...
Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: July 25th
You are welcome to join Sr Anne Petit in London for our morning prayer. Sr Anne is a member Congregation of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and their convent is in St John’s Wood, London. Today is the feast day of Saint James the apostle. ‘He said to them, “You will indeed...
Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: Friday July 22nd
Mary of Magdala’s message to the disciples and to the world change our understanding of life and death. It changed our whole world view. Let us pray in thanksgiving for the extraordinary courage and giftedness of Mary Magdalene this day. Friends, we invite you to join Jarlath Kivlehan for morning prayer on the...
Morning prayer with the Oblate Family: July 21st
Good Morning and thank you all for joining our morning reflection today, Thursday July 21st. Today’s prayer is brought to you by Jarlath Kivlehan who is the Finance Officer for the Oblates and lives in Dublin. I believe that God is very present in our world to day and I also believe that he is speaking and delivering many...
Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family: July 20th
Good morning everyone, today we join Angie, from London, for our time of morning prayer. Today’s reading is from the Gospel of Matthew, and the famous parable of the sower. Some seeds fell on the edge of the path and the birds ate them up; others fell on rock, where they found little soil and...
Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family, July 19th
Good morning everyone, today we join Angie, from London, for our time of morning prayer. Today’s reading is from the Gospel of Matthew. “My mother and my brothers are anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven.” Who is our family? Is it just those united by blood, or does it go beyond...
Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family, July 18th
Good morning everyone, today we join Patsy for our time of morning prayer. Today’s reading is from the Gospel of Matthew. This is what the Lord asks of you: to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with God. Many thanks for joining us for this time of prayer and community this morning.
Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family, July 17th
Good morning everyone, today we join Patsy for our time of morning prayer. Today’s reading is from the Gospel of Luke. The best kind of welcome is when we forget ourselves and focus on what our visitor really wants. When Jesus comes to visit in this reading, what he wants is conversation – he wanted...
Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family, July 16th
Friends, we join Chaher Rhomaei at De Mazenod House Retreat and Spirituality Centre in Tower Hill, London for our morning prayer on July 16th. Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Mount Carmel is a very ancient place, and referred to as a holy place before the time of Christ, and the...
When Our World Is Falling Apart
The early years of my adulthood and priesthood were spent teaching theology at Newman Theological College in Edmonton, Canada. I was young, full of energy, loved teaching, and was discovering the joys of ministry. For the most part, these were good years. However, they weren’t always easy. Restlessness and inner chaos find us all. The...