
Morning Prayer with the Oblates, May 6th
Friends, we invite you to join Colin Izzard, a Lay Minister from Mill Hill, London for morning prayer. Today’s Gospel reading is from the Acts of the Apostles and concerns the healing of Saul’s vision, before becoming Paul and travelling across the world, preaching the Good News to everyone. Thank you for joining us this...

Morning Prayer with the Oblates, May 5th
Friends, we join Frankie MacDonald in Glasgow for today’s prayer. Frankie is a member of the Oblate Lourdes Pilgrimage Hospitalité, volunteering with the pilgrimage in Lourdes, assisting pilgrims on their journey and time in the Marian Shrine. Many of us can still recall our first Holy Communion and the celebration of that day. Let us...

Morning Prayer with the Oblates, May 4th
Friends, we join Frankie MacDonald in Glasgow for today’s prayer. Frankie is a member of the Oblate Lourdes Pilgrimage Hospitalité, volunteering with the pilgrimage in Lourdes, assisting pilgrims on their journey and time in the Marian Shrine. The apostles saw first hand the persecution taking place and must have felt real fear and isolation. In...

Morning Prayer With the Oblate Family, May 3rd
Dear friends, we invite you to join Heidi Schofield in Holyhead once more for morning prayer. ‘The idea of seeing God’s face is quite frightening for a lot of us, partly from the Old Testament descriptions – he hides himself to protect his people in a cloud, in a flame. I’ve often thought that if...

Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family, May 2nd
Friends, please join Heidi Schofield for today’s morning prayer. “Every person who believes that Jesus is, in fact, the Messiah, is God-born. If we love the One who conceives the child, we’ll surely love the child who was conceived. The reality test on whether or not we love God’s children is this: Do we love...

Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family, May 1st
Good morning and welcome to our morning prayer! Today is the third Sunday of Easter and the Feast of St. Joseph – so what better way to celebrate his feast day than to be joined by Fr Frank Ryan OMI of St Joseph’s Parish, Colwyn Bay, in north Wales. Fr Frank reflects on how we...

Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family, April 30th
Good morning and welcome to our morning prayer! Today, we are joined by Fr Frank Ryan OMI. Fr Frank is from St Joseph’s Parish, Colwyn Bay, in north Wales. “The Word of the Lord continued to spread; the number of the disciples in Jerusalem was greatly increased, and a large number of priests made their...
Funeral Mass of Jeremiah O’Donovan OMI
The death has occurred of Jeremiah Donovan OMI. Fr. Jeremiah Donovan (OMI), Inchicore, Dublin, native of Kilcrohane, Bantry, Co. Cork and a founding member of the Anglo-Irish Province with the OMI Congregation in Brazil has passed away peacefully at Talbot Lodge Nursing Home, Malahide, Co. Dublin on April 26th, 2022, in his 89th year. Very...

Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family, April 29th
You are welcome to join Sr Anne Petit in London for our morning prayer. Sr Anne is a member Congregation of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and their convent is in St John’s Wood, London. Jesus reveals himself through the gospels, we discover the basic attitude of his heart which is...

Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family, Thursday April 28th
You are welcome to join Sr Anne Petit in London for our morning prayer. Sr Anne is a member Congregation of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and their convent is in St John’s Wood, London. “The apostles were brought in and made to appear before the Sanhedrin to be questioned by...