Lent: 40 Days of reflection, preparation and renewal
Lent begins this year on 17th February 2021, Ash Wednesday. It is a season of reflection and preparation leading up to the celebration of Easter. By observing the 40 days of Lent, Christians replicate Jesus’ withdrawal into the desert. Partners in Mission invite you to sign up to receive a daily email in Lent –...
The Letter of Superior General to the Congregation on the Anniversary
The Letter of Superior General to the Congregation on the Anniversary of the Papal Approval of the Constitutions and Rules – February 17, 2021 Published on Tuesday 9 February 2021 Download the letter Fr. Louis Lougen, OMI L.J.C. et M.I. Pope Leo XII formally approved our Constitutions and Rules on February 17, 1826. To this day,...
Celebrating the Anniversary of the papal approval of our Congregation
‘The call of Jesus Christ, heard within the Church through people’s need for salvation, draws us together as Missionary Oblates of Mary.’ (Oblate Constitution 1) Remembering and celebrating any anniversary is very important. It might be a birthday, a wedding anniversary or any other significant event we care to name. Remembering is a sacred act....
Morning Prayer with the Oblates, Monday February 15th
You are welcome to Sr Anne Petit in London for our morning prayer. Sr Anne is a member Congregation of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and their convent is in St John’s Wood, London. During this time of prayer let us remember by the many people who are affected physically, spiritually financially...
Morning prayer with the Oblates, Sunday February 14th
Dear friends, this Sunday morning we invite you to join us for a few moments of quiet, reflective prayer to begin our day. Caroline in England leads our prayer this morning as we contemplate the words of the apostle Paul this morning – whatever you do today or this week, big or small, do it...
Morning prayer with the Oblates, Saturday February 13th
Friends, we invite you to pray with Caroline this morning as she leads us in today’s reflection on today’s gospel – the feeding of the multitudes, or the miracle of the loaves and the fishes. Today let us be thankful for all the good things in our lives, for the technology that allows us to...
Lenten Retreat Evenings with the Oblate Family
Join us each Wednesday of Lent at 7pm via ZOOM for a Lenten retreat hour of prayer, presentation, sharing and community. Each session will be presented by a different member of our wider Oblate family. Please register in advance by emailing Thank you! 17th February, Ash Wednesday: Fr Ray Warren, OMI De Mazenod House...
Morning Prayer with the Oblates, Friday February 12th
We join Fr Vimal for our morning prayer. Let us pray together especially in thanksgiving for this day ahead and ask that we may be a blessing to others today. We reflect on how the choice is ours today to choose to be a force for good and positivity, or to be a negative influence...
Morning Prayer with the Oblates on the Feast of Our Lourdes, February 11th
Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, which is also the World Day of the Sick. Today is our opportunity to ask Our Lady of Lourdes to bring healing to our world. The Message of Lourdes is not limited to the words Bernadette heard at the Grotto. It has been handed down to...
Novena in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes from Inchicore
We have journeyed these days together praying for our intentions and each other. Your candles are lighting at home as ours are here. Join us in prayer on this day of celebration as Mary invites us to listen to her son as she said to Bernadette, “listen to him”. Music credit: the opening hymn “The...