Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate


Morning Prayer for March 5th

Good morning and welcome to morning prayer with Fr Paul Marx, from Denmark. Today, on the second Sunday of Lent, the Gospel reading is of the Transfiguration. Peter, James and John were very much afraid when they heard God’s call on the mount, telling them that “This is my beloved son, in whom I am...

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Morning Prayer for March 4th

Good morning and welcome to morning prayer with Angel, from Dublin. Today’s Gospel reading is from Saint Matthew, in which Jesus challenges us to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us. Angel is reminded of all the ways in which God has forgiven her. It is a profoundly healing experience that,...

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Fr Conor Murphy OMI

Fr Conor Murphy OMI

Appointments 1959 – ‘64 Mary Immaculate Parish, Inchicore 1964 – ‘68 Quex Rd Parish, London 1968 – ‘70 Director, Irish Centre, Birmingham 1970 – ‘76 Chelmsley Wood Parish, Birmingham 1976 – ‘77 Vocations, Merrion Road Community 1977 – ‘82 Holyhead Parish, Wales 1982 – ‘88 Holy Cross Parish, Liverpool 1988 – ‘89 Sabbatical, San Antonio,...

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JPIC video with Fr Tom McCabe OMI Oblate Mission Development

JPIC – Chat with Fr Tom McCabe of Oblate Mission Development

Fr. Tom McCabe is Director of the Oblate Mission Development Office in Inchicore. His ministry is at the heart of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation. Tom supports the work of missionaries in the poorer part of the world by working with them to identify various development projects for which Irish Government funding could be...

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Morning Prayer for March 3rd

Good morning everyone, and welcome to morning prayer with Angel, from Dublin. Today’s Gospel reading is from Saint Matthew, where Jesus challenges us to repent and reconcile. Why is it so difficult to ask for forgiveness? Acknowledging that we’ve made mistakes isn’t easy. It involves a letting go of the self, and is an act...

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Morning Prayer for March 2nd

Good morning everyone, and welcome to morning prayer with Fr Frank Ryan, from Colwyn Bay, Wales. Today’s Gospel reading is from Saint Matthew. Jesus said to his disciples, “Ask, and you shall receive”. There is wisdom in knowing that you don’t know everything, and in knowing that they are things out there which are spiritual...

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Morning prayer feast of Saint Daivd March 1st

Morning Prayer Saint David of Wales, March 1st

Bore da! Good morning friends! Today is March 1st and welcome to morning prayer the feast day of Saint David – the patron saint of the Wales. Join June Craig and Fr Frank Ryan OMI in Colwyn Bay, North Wales, for this morning’s time of prayer and reflection. Thanks to June, Welsh speaker, for sharing...

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Morning Prayer for February 28th

Good morning and welcome to morning prayer with Sr Lumay, of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, Dublin. Lumay explores today’s reading, saying that the things we are asked to do are so simple: give food and drink to Jesus in those who are hungry and thirsty; to clothe Jesus in those who are naked, and...

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Morning Prayer for February 27th

Good morning and welcome to morning prayer with Sr Lumay. In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus teaches his disciples the Lord’s Prayer. Prayer is not a magic formula, but a trusting relationship between God and oneself. It can take many forms, but, at heart, it is a conversation of mutual listening, and a loving encounter as...

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Morning Prayer for 1st Sunday of Lent

Good morning and welcome to morning prayer, with Sr Anne from Wistaston Hall, in Crewe. Today’s Gospel reading is from Saint Matthew, and recounts the time when Jesus was out in the wilderness, being tempted by Satan. Jesus was tempted by the Devil to put three values above the love of God: pleasure, power and...

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