Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Weekly Reflections

Gospel Reflection for Sunday July 28th 2024- 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gospel Reflection for Sunday July 28th 2024, 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time | John 6:1-15 Without a doubt the miracle of the ‘Feeding of the Five Thousand’ is one of the most iconic moments in the Gospels. All four Gospels tell the story. In fact, apart from the Resurrection it is the only miracle story...

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Gospel Reflection for Sunday July 21st 2024- 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gospel Reflection for Sunday July 21tst2024, 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Mark 6:30-34 Ask a teenager when he or she gets home from their first day in High School, “Well, how did your first day go?” and most parents would count themselves lucky to get a grunted “OK”. However, ask the same question to...

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Sunday Gospel Meme portrait 14th July 2024 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gospel Reflection for Sunday July 14th 2024 – 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gospel Reflection for Sunday July 14th 2024, 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Mark 6:7–13 If a person wants to be noticed and taken seriously, for instance during an election campaign or festival of some kind, they will produce colourful signs and brochures, a large stage with an eye-attracting backdrop, make sure lighting and sound...

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Sunday Gospel Meme portrait July 7th 14th sunday

Gospel Reflection for Sunday July 7th 2024 – 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gospel Reflection for Sunday July 7th 2024, 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Mark 6:1-6 It would seem that Jesus did not go home very often. There are only two accounts in the Gospels of this happening, one in Mark (the story we read today) and one in Luke. The story in Luke is more...

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Sunday Gospel Meme portrait Peter and Paul June 30th 2024

Gospel Reflection for Sunday June 30th 2024 – 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gospel Reflection for Sunday June 3oth 2024, 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Matthew 16:13-19 This week I spent a good deal of time thinking about Peter and Paul. Two very different men who would never, in the normal run of things, have even met, let alone become colleagues, friends and occasionally adversaries. Both of...

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Sunday Gospel 23rd June 2024 Calming of. the Storm

Gospel Reflection for Sunday June 23rd 2024 – 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gospel Reflection for Sunday June 23rd 2024, 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Mark 4:35-41 Anyone who has ever done an ‘individually guided retreat’ (IGR) in the Ignatian tradition will almost certainly have spent time in prayer with this week’s Gospel. The ‘Storm at Sea’ is one of those Gospel stories which is so rich...

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Sunday Gospel Meme portrait 16th June 2024

Gospel Reflection for Sunday June 16th 2024 – 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gospel Reflection for Sunday June 16th 2024, 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Mark 4:26-34 “Que sera, sera…” the well-known song goes, “whatever will be, will be…” At first glance this week’s Gospel seems to call for this rather fatalistic and pessimistic response. It is almost as if Jesus is saying to us, “Once the...

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Sunday Gospel Meme portrait June 9th 2024

Gospel Reflection for Sunday June 9th 2024 – 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Gospel Reflection for Sunday June 9th 2024, 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Mark 3:20-35 After all the ‘heavy’ mysteries we have been reflecting upon in recent weeks (Eucharist, Blessed Trinity, Death and Resurrection, Pentecost, etc), it is a relief to return to the ‘simpler’ Jesus who travelled the roads of Israel, preaching, healing and...

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Sunday Gospel Meme portrait June 2nd Body and Blood of Christ

Gospel Reflection for Sunday June 2nd 2024 – The Body and Blood of Christ

Gospel Reflection for Sunday June 2nd 2024, Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) | Mark 14:12-16,22-26 Since we celebrated Easter, we have reflected on all of the central mysteries of our faith. With the exception of creation and the Incarnation (Christmas) we have celebrated the death and resurrection of Jesus, his...

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Sunday Gospel Meme portrait Trinity sunday May 26th 2024

Gospel Reflection for Sunday May 26th 2024 – Trinity Sunday

Gospel Reflection for Sunday May 26th 2024 | Trinity Sunday, Matthew 28:16-20 Most people are turned off by the very mention of ‘the Trinity’. They scream “mystery” and decry anyone who talks about the Trinity as filled with pride and too arrogant to accept the fact that we can never know God and must simply...

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