Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate


joe walsh tours update lourdes oblates

Update on Pilgrimages Abroad (Joe Walsh Tours) situation

For many years Pilgrimages Abroad (JWT) have been the travel agent to Oblate Pilgrimage. It is with sincere regret that we learned that JWT has announced on April 27th that it is to cease trading due to the ongoing impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic. We understand that this is a difficult time for the directors...

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morning prayer Thursday May 6th

Morning Prayer with the Oblates: Thursday May 6th

Dear friends – we join Fr Paul once more for our morning prayer. In today’s very short gospel passage, the word, “love,” appears five times! There is so much to say about love. It is abundantly clear from the New Testament that love is all that matters – love of God and love of neighbour...

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morning prayer may 5th

Morning Prayer with the Oblates: Wednesday May 5th

We join Fr Paul Horrocks OMI of the Inchicore Pastoral Area for morning prayer today. In today’s gospel, Jesus tells us that he is the vinedresser and he is pruning the branches, us. “Pruning” is very much about letting go. When we have to let go it can seem as though we are losing ourselves....

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morning prayer may 3rd

Morning Prayer with the Oblates Monday May 3rd, 5th Week of Easter

We join Gerard Bennett for prayer on the 5th Monday of Easter. Many of us may be waiting with impatient hope for the future, as we contemplate what changes for the better might we be living with as we navigate the “new normal”? We ponder the words of pope Francis –  ‘Could Covid 19 could...

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morning prayer may 2nd

Morning Prayer with the Oblates Sunday May 2nd, 5th Sunday of Easter

Today we join Chaher Rhomaei, an artist who is associated with the DeMazenod Retreat and Spirituality Centre, London. This Sunday is the fifth Sunday of Easter and it is also the celebration of Easter for Orthodox Christians, and so it is fitting that this morning, Chaher leads us in a reflection through art on the...

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morning prayer may 1st st joseph

Morning Prayer with the Oblates: United in Faith, May 1st, Feast of St Joseph the Worker

Join Fr Frank in Colwyn Bay for a time of prayer, reflection and community together and to pray  for your intentions and for all those affected by the coronavirus at this time. Today especially we celebrate Saint Joseph, patron of Oblate Brothers and of the Parish and Primary School in Colwyn Bay. “He stayed until...

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morning prayer April 30th

Morning Prayer with the Oblates: Friday April 30th

We join Fr Frank Ryan OMI in Colwyn Bay, Wales for our morning prayer on Friday, April 30th. Tomorrow, May 1st, is the feast of St Joseph the Worker, and St Joseph is the patron of the Oblate parish in Colwyn Bay. Let’s listen to a special reflection about this great saint of the church....

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morning prayer april 29th

Morning Prayer with the Oblates, Thursday April 29th, Feast of St Catherine of Siena

Let us join in morning prayer this morning with Fr Tom Devereux OMI in Kilburn London. We see Jesus in prayer to the father, or in conversation, father to the son, just like a child speaking to their parents. Jesus is not wanting us to be learned and clever but rather wants us to be...

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Morning Prayer with the Oblates, Wednesday April 28th

We join Gerard Bennett in Westmeath for morning prayer. Light is central to the Easter liturgy and in today’s gospel we hear about light and the Word. We might ask ourselves, “Do I choose light or dark – do I choose to follow the light and listen to and respond to the word of God...

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morning prayer april 27th

Morning Prayer with the Oblates, Tuesday April 27th

Join us for Morning Prayer with Christine in Holyhead. Ever living God, we praise you for giving us new life in Jesus your Son and for bringing us together this day. Attune our minds to the sound of his voice, Lead our steps in the path we have shown, that we may know the strength...

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