Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate


sunday reflection september 10th

Gospel Reflection For Sunday 10th September 2023

Gospel Reflection for Sunday September 10th 2023 | 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time “Three strikes and you’re out..” seems to be the approach of the early Church to disputes and conflicts. Strike one: Negotiation…Try talking together. Strike two: Mediation…Third party facilitation. Strike three: Arbitration…Dispute goes to the governing body for decision. After that, you’re out!...

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morning prayer september 6th

Oblate Family Morning Prayer: Wednesday September 6th

Good morning friends. We invite you to a time of prayer and reflection with some youth members of the parish of Our Lady Immaculate, Darndale. In this Season of Creation, for your day ahead, what are the thoughts, the words and the actions you generate in this garden of God’s? What are the seeds you...

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How was your experience of the Lisbon World Youth Day?

When asked how our experience of the Lisbon World Youth Day was, in short we would say; Encouraging, inspirational, overwhelming at times, but that it set a better foundation in faith for ourselves. Picture this, it’s Saturday and the evening is drawing in, bringing with it a well welcomed breeze. The day had reached an...

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morning prayer september 5th

Morning prayer with the Oblate Family: Tuesday September 5th

Good morning friends, we join Olga once again in London for today’s time of prayer together. Thank you for joining us today from wherever you are. We in the family and community are so grateful that you’ve joined us so that we can share God’s word together and comfort and support one another by praying...

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morning prayer september 4th

The Oblate Family Morning Prayer: Monday September 4th

Dear friends, let us join Olga Slater in London and we thank you for joining us today from wherever you are. Today’s gospel challenges us. Let us ponder: have we stopped being amazed by God’s goodness to us? Have we become cynical and stopped noticing the daily small miracles around us? Have we become accustomed...

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The Oblate Family Morning Prayer: Sunday 3rd September 2023

Dear friends you are very welcome to our time of prayer together this morning. We join Christine Hunt from Holyhead, for a reflective time of prayer. We in the Oblate family and community are so grateful that have you have joined us, so that we can share God’s word together and pray together living as a community...

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The Oblate Family Morning Prayer: Saturday 2nd September 2023

Dear friends you are very welcome to our time of prayer together this morning. We join Christine Hunt from Holyhead, for a reflective time of prayer. We keep in our mind those we may know need our prayers. During today’s gospel, we are reminded to take care of what God gives to us. We pray that...

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Season of Creation 2023

Season of Creation 2023 : Begins September 1st

Season of Creation 2023 : “Let Justice and Peace Flow” Published on Thursday 31 August 2023, www.omiworld,org Jean-Hérick JASMIN, OMI (Director JPIC) Every year from September 1st to October 4th, the Laudato Sí Action Plan team invites us to celebrate as a community and throughout the world the “Season of Creation.” The Season of Creation...

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The Oblate Family Morning Prayer: Friday 1st September 2023

Dear friends you are very welcome to our time of prayer together this morning, on the last day of August and the closing of the summer season. We join Mary Ryan from the Sacred Heart parish in Kilburn, for a reflective time of prayer. We keep in our mind those we may know need our...

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Send in your prayer intentions

We’d like to invite those who aren’t able to join us in Lourdes to send us your prayer intentions. So we may present them to Our Lady at the Grotto where she appeared to Saint Bernadette so long ago. You can do so by: Emailing them to lourdes@oblates.ie Or filling out the form below: Send...

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