Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Weekly Reflections

Sunday Gospel Reflection for 24th Sunday of the Year September 11th

Quite a number of years ago I was working in a boys Boarding/Day School in Australia. Each Sunday I celebrated Mass for the boarding community, which, as it happened, had quite a few boys from sheep farming families, living on ‘stations’ and farming huge swaths of land. I well remember one Sunday finding myself facing...

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Sunday Gospel Reflection for 23rd Sunday of the Year September 4th

When I worked in schools, frequently I would overhear one teenager say to another, “If my Mum finds out I did that she’ll kill me.” Hearing it didn’t send me rushing to ring the Police or Child Protection services telling them that I thought a child might be murdered when he got home from school....

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Sunday Reflection August 28th

Sunday Gospel Reflection for 22nd Sunday of the Year August 28th

At the very start of his first published exhortation after his election, Pope Francis issued an invitation to Christians which I found extremely powerful. He wrote, “I invite all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ.” (the Joy of the Gospel, 3) It was the words “personal encounter”...

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Gospel Reflection Sunday August 21

Sunday Gospel Reflection for 21st Sunday of the Year August 21st

As a High School teacher all of my working life, it always struck me as strange and disappointing that we teach our children the skills they need to mature physically, intellectually and emotionally, yet we frequently avoid teaching them to mature spiritually.  Physically a child learns to value health and fitness; intellectually the importance of...

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Sunday Reflection Assumption of Mary

Sunday Reflection for The Assumption of Mary

Sunday Reflection for The Assumption of Mary (Sunday August 14th / 15th August)  At the start of today’s Gospel we hear that when Mary arrived at the house of Elizabeth she was overjoyed and greeted Mary with these words: “…Why should I be honoured with a visit from the mother of my Lord?”  I think...

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Sunday Gospel Reflection for 19th Sunday of the Year, Sunday August 7th

There are well established links in business psychology between fear, a lack of self-confidence and difficulty in trusting. Successful businesses will usually be led by people who trust in themselves and have the confidence to overcome their fears. Perhaps the same links can be found in our Spiritual journey with God and one another. “Do...

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18th Sunday July 31st Gospel Reflection Website Graphic

Sunday Gospel Reflection for 18th Sunday of the Year, Sunday July 31st

Ask any poor person does he or she want to remain poor and I am certain the answer will be a most emphatic ‘no’, probably with one or two expletives added! There is nothing good or positive about any kind of poverty. By definition it means scarcity, insufficiency, or shortage and none of these things...

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Sunday July 24th Jesus teaches us how to pray

Sunday Gospel Reflection for 17th Sunday of the Year, Sunday July 24th

“Lord, teach us how to pray…..” Imagine for a second sitting with Jesus and saying that to him. You would be close to him, at ease in his company, comfortable enough with him to ask that question. And then, equally at ease in your company, he would answer you……. Just imagine! Jesus himself teaching you...

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sunday reflection july 17th

Sunday Gospel Reflection for 16th Sunday of the Year, Sunday July 17th

No matter how often I read this Gospel, no matter how often I bring it to prayer, no matter how many commentaries I read about it, I still come away feeling inherently uncomfortable when I finish. I think it is some kind of gut reaction based on an upbringing where service, hard work and helping...

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Sunday Gospel Reflection for 15th Sunday of the Year, Sunday July 10th

At first glance, today’s Gospel is clear and unambiguous. It is probably one of the stories or parables told by Jesus which is easiest understood. It is told as a simple black and white story with only one right answer. “Who is my neighbour?“ asks the lawyer, once again intent on drawing Jesus into an...

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