Oblate News

Sunday May 17th: Join Live-streamed mass from Oblate Parishes
Sunday Mass times in Oblate Parish and links to live-stream videos on facebook: Mass from Sacred Heart Church, Kilburn, London at 10.00am https://www.facebook.com/OblateParishesKilburn/live Mass from Our Lady of the Wayside, Bluebell, Dublin at 10.15am https://www.facebook.com/OLOWParishBluebell/live/ Mass from St Mary Star of the Sea, Leith Edinburgh, Scotland at 10.30am https://www.facebook.com/stmarysstarofthesea/live/ Mass from St Joseph’s, Colwyn...

Waiting in Joyful hope: from Easter to Pentecost
Waiting in Joyful hope: from Easter to Pentecost A Reflection by Br Michael Moore for our current time during this Coronavirus Pandemic It goes without saying that we all had a very strange and unusual Easter. We didn’t do the usual things we always did; we didn’t visit our friends and family, we didn’t go...

Fire Devastates Belcamp College
Belcamp College suffered a devastating fire last night. Belcamp has been part of the story of our Province since 1893. It held fond memories for so many who were there as pupils or as members of staff. Shortly before 9pm we were called to a fire in #Belcamp College. Over 20 firefighters attended and...

Video: The Social Oblate
Each month on the 17th, the Oblate family prays in a particular way for an increase in vocations to our community, the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Join Fr Dominick from the Oblate Communications Team for this month’s episode of the Social Oblate and a reminder that the Oblate Novena for Vocations takes place each year from the...

Fr John Nolan OMI 1936 – 2020
Fr John Nolan OMI 1936 – 2020 A native of Wexford Town, John Nolan was born on 1 March 1936. Sadly, his mother died when he was child, leaving John and his sister, Marie, the older of the two. They were reared as part of their aunt’s family; their father had to find work in...

11.30am: A time of Prayer for our departed Oblate Brothers
Over the last week four members of the Oblate community in Dublin have been called home to the Lord. Please join our community at Sacred Heart Church, London as they gather to pray for and remember these four servants of the Lord. May they rest in peace.

Fr John Murphy OMI – A biography
Fr John Murphy OMI 1926 – 2020 John Murphy was born on April 1st 1926 in Termonfechin, Co. Louth, ‘the cultural capital of the world’, as he himself would say. Secondary education completed, he entered the Oblate Novitiate (Cahermoyle) in September 1944. He made his Final Profession as a Missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate at...

Isolation, Holy Week and Easter
Isolation, Holy Week and Easter The physical aspect of relationship is essential to us as humans. During these challenging times we are now communicating through various forms of social media. While we experience each other as disembodied people, faces and voices brought together through technology there is something crucial and essential missing. It’s not just...

Fr Thomas Scully – A biography
Fr Thomas Scully OMI 1930 – 2020 Tom Scully was born in Tullamore, Co. Offaly, on 19 May 1930. Second level education completed at Belcamp College, Dublin in June 1948, he entered the Oblate Novitiate that September. An excellent student, he studied philosophy at UCD, followed by theology at the Oblate Scholasticate in Co. Kilkenny,...

The death has occurred of Fr John Nolan OMI
The death has occurred of Fr. John Nolan OMI. He was from King Street, Wexford Town. After ordination he was assigned to serve in South Africa, spending more than 50 years in Bloemfontein. He returned to Ireland retire a few years ago. FrJohn died during the night of April 8th in St. James’s Hospital Dublin. Pre-deceased...