Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Weekly Reflections

november 1st all saints

Sunday November 1st 2020: Read Br Michael’s Gospel Reflection

The call to be Holy Today in union with the whole Church, we celebrate the Feast of All Saints. When I was a child I remember my mother saying to me when I was misbehaving that I was no saint! I also recall the pictures and statues of saints in my local church. They were...

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sunday october 25th

Sunday October 25th 2020: Read Br Michael’s Gospel Reflection

Love of God and others Love is a major theme in books, plays, songs, poems, films, and popular culture. As we approach Valentine’s Day each year we are surrounded by a multitude of cards, chocolates and roses in an attempt to convey our affection for the one we love. There is nothing wrong with this....

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sunday reflection october 18th

Sunday October 18th 2020: Read Br Michael’s Gospel Reflection

Loyalty to whom? No matter to which we country we look, they all have different political parties and factions all trying to attract as many people as possible with their promises and policies. It was no different at the time of Jesus. There were many different political and religious sects all trying to claim superiority...

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11th October

Sunday October 11th 2020: Read Br Michael’s Gospel Reflection

God requests the pleasure of your company In both the Jewish and Christian scriptures, the image and symbol of the feasts, weddings and celebrations are used to describe God’s generosity and the joy of the God’s Kingdom. This is the parable that Jesus offers us today. He is as usual talking to the chief priest...

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october 4th

Sunday October 4th 2020: Read Br Michael’s Gospel Reflection

The Lord’s Vineyard For the third Sunday in a row, Jesus offers us another parable about a vineyard. The image and symbol of the vineyard begins in the first reading today from the Prophet Isaiah. ‘The Song of the Vineyard’ as it is called tells the story of man who carefully dug the soil, cleared...

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september 27th

Sunday September 27th 2020: Read Br Michael’s Gospel Reflection

Actions speak louder than words For the second Sunday in a row, Jesus speaks to and teaches us through a parable. The point and truth of a parable is not based on whether it is true or really happened. The purpose of a parable is that we learn something about the reality of Kingdom of...

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september 20th

Sunday September 20th 2020: Read Br Michael’s Gospel Reflection

All are equal in God’s eyes Jesus spoke to and taught people through stories; parables. A parable is story that is not as obvious as it first looks. It may take several readings before its message and meaning is revealed to us. A parable is often described as a story with the wrong ending; or at...

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september 13th

Sunday September 13th 2020: Read Br Michael’s Gospel Reflection

Forgive from the heart. Last Sunday Jesus offered us a way of dealing with conflict and misunderstanding; we are to go to those whom we have hurt or who have hurt us and work out our differences as best we can. Today this theme and message of forgiveness continues. Peter asks Jesus, ‘Lord how often...

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Sunday September 6th 2020: Read Br Michael’s Gospel Reflection

Forgiveness When we look back at history or indeed at the news any evening, we can quickly see that our world both ancient and modern is marked, even scarred because of war and conflict. Sadly, many still believe that might is right and attack is the best and first line of defence. Conflict however is...

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August 30th

Sunday August 30th 2020: Read Br Michael’s Gospel Reflection

Get behind me Satan! Today’s gospel continues directly from last Sunday’s when Jesus asked his friends who he was for them. Peter responded by saying that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the living God. So far so good. Today Jesus continues the conversation by telling them him that he will suffer grievously, be...

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