Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate


morning prayer april 23rd

Morning prayer with the Oblates, Easter Saturday, April 23rd

Good morning dear friends, we invite you to join Fr Michael Brady OMI in St Michael’s Parish, Inchicore, Dublin for our short morning prayer as we reflect on the reading from the Acts of the Apostles. “…Since all the people were giving glory to God for what had happened.” So may we continue being amongst...

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morning prayer april 22nd

Morning prayer with the Oblates, Easter Friday, April 22nd

Good morning dear friends, we invite you to join Fr Michael Brady OMI in St Michael’s Parish, Inchicore, Dublin for our short morning prayer. Easter lasts 50 days, longer than Lent. Lent invites us to correct ourselves. As we continue to celebrate Easter, we could consider that this season of Easter deserves just as much...

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morning prayer easter thursday

Morning prayer with the Oblates, Easter Thursday April 21st

Fr Dermot Mills OMI, presents our time of prayer today. Fr Dermot is based in St Michael’s Parish in Inchicore in Dublin. “Peace be with you.” – Jesus said to the Apostles as he stood among them following the resurrection. 
 The people of Ukraine have been experiencing their Holy Week the past two months,...

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Easter Wednesday prayer

Morning prayer with the Oblates, Easter Wednesday

Fr Dermot Mills who lives in St Michael’s Parish in Inchicore presents this time of prayer today. Fr Dermot spent many years in the Oblate Missions in South Africa, and shares with us one encounter he had there that left a profound impact on him. Today Fr Dermot reflects on the reading from the Acts...

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mornig prayer april 19th

Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family, Tuesday April 19th

On Tuesday of Easter Week, we invite you to pray and reflect with Eileen McLaughlin, of the Friends of Saint Eugene, English Martyrs Parish in Tower Hill, London. Today’s prayer is recorded at the Wee House of Malin, Inishowen Peninsula in County Donegal. In the gospel reading today, we hear that Mary of Magdala was...

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morning prayer easter monday april 18th

Morning Prayer with the Oblate Family, Easter Monday

“Breaking news from Jerusalem”!” Claims that the so-called “King of the Jews” has risen from the dead!” At the time, many said that this was “fake news”. The truth that Jesus is risen and is the Son of God. What is it that we have to do to bear witness to this? In today’s world...

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Photos: Easter Triduum and Celebrations in Sacred Heart

Please see photographss of the events of the Easter Triduum which took place in the Oblate Parish of Kilburn from the 14th-17th of April 2022. At the Easter Vigil, four adults were baptised into the church, and thirteen adults received the sacrament of confirmation. Warm wishes to these new members of our faith community. Please...

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easter sunday morning prayer

Morning Prayer for Easter Sunday: Live at 8.30am

Happy Easter to you all! Dear friends, we invite you to join Fr Ray Warren OMI for a special live broadcast of this Easter Morning reflection. Fr Ray is an Oblate priest and is the director of the DeMazenod Retreat and Spirituality Centre, Tower Hill in London. Today we rejoice for Christ our Saviour has...

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morning prayer easter saturday

Morning Prayer Easter Saturday: Live at 8.30am

Dear friends, we invite you to join Fr Ray Warren OMI for a special live broadcast of today’s reflection. Fr Ray is an Oblate priest and is the director of the DeMazenod Retreat and Spirituality Centre, Tower Hill in London. Easter Saturday is a day of silence, as we mourn with the disciples and contemplate...

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good friday morning prayer

Join us Live at 8.30am: Morning Prayer for Good Friday

Join Fr Ray Warren OMI in Tower Hill, in the DeMazenod Retreat and Spirituality Centre, London for a short morning prayer and reflection on Good Friday for a special live broadcast of today’s reflection.    

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